
On This Day - 27 July 1915

Spotlights over Paris Theatre definitions: Western Front comprises the Franco-German-Belgian front and any military action in Great Britain, Switzerland, Scandinavia and Holland.  Eastern Front comprises the German-Russian, Austro-Russian and Austro-Romanian fronts.  Southern Front comprises the Austro-Italian and Balkan (including Bulgaro-Romanian) fronts, and Dardanelles.  Asiatic and Egyptian Theatres comprises Egypt, Tripoli, the Sudan, Asia Minor (including Transcaucasia), Arabia, Mesopotamia, Syria, Persia, Afghanistan, Turkestan, China, India, etc.  Naval and Overseas Operations comprises operations on the seas (except where carried out in combination with troops on land) and in Colonial and Overseas theatres, America, etc.  Political, etc. comprises political and internal events in all countries, including Notes, speeches, diplomatic, financial, economic and domestic matters.  Source: Chronology of the War (1914-18, London; copyright expired)

Western Front

French capture position above Lingekopf.

Soissons and Reims bombarded.

Eastern Front

Enemy captures Goworowo (east of Rojan).

Warsaw attacked on three sides.

Austrians lose heavily in attack near Majdan-Ostrowski and on front Terriatin-Annopol (Cholm region).

Fighting for the Pruth south-east of Poltusk proceeding.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theatres

Russians forced back by Turks near Mush (Asia Minor).

Naval and Overseas Operations

Three Danish schooners torpedoed by German submarine.

Railway from Ancona to Pesaro bombarded from sea.

Political, etc.

Mr. Asquith announces total military casualties to 18 July, 830,995; naval 9,106.

French Chamber agrees to necessity of Parliamentary control for army.


On This Day
